So what are the features & amenities at these exclusive Westpoint Heights Apartments?
Whats around Westpoint Heights Apartments?
Kikuyu Selfridges Supermarket (3.4 km)
Quickmart (3 km)
The Hub, Karen (9.1 km)
Damacrest School (7.4 Km)
Miramar International College Muthiga Campus
University of Nairobi Kikuyu Campus (0.5 km)
Alliance High School (1.1 km)
Presbyterian University (1 km)
PCEA Church of the Torch Thogoto (1.5 km)
ACK Kagondo (2 km)
St. Joseph Catholic Church (2 km)
Waithaka Mosque (4.5 km)
St Pauls Orthodox Church (2.5 km)
CTAM, Kikuyu (1 km)
Sigona Golf Club (5.3 km)
Mugumo Park (3 km)
Kikuyu Gardens Bar & Restaurant (2.14 km)
Kilimo Grand Hotel (3 km)
Kilimo Grand Hotel (3 km)
Kikuyu Country Club (4.6 km)
Southern By-Pass Highway (1.6 km)
PCEA Kikuyu Mission Hospital (1 km)